Data Modeling for SPbLitGuide project
The data model leverages Django’s Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to map the dataset’s schema to Python classes. The model consists of four main entities: Person, Address, Place, and Event. Below is a description of each entity, their fields, and the relationships among them.
Data Model
Person {
name CharField
second_name CharField
family CharField
pseudonym CharField
Address {
name CharField
lon DecimalField
lat DecimalField
Place {
name CharField
Event {
description TextField
date DateTimeField
Person ||--o{ Event : ManyToManyField
Event ||--|{ Place : ForeignKey
Event ||--|{ Address : ForeignKey
Place }o--|| Event : ForeignKey
Entities and Fields
- name: CharField to store the first name.
- second_name: CharField to store the middle name.
- family: CharField to store the last name.
- pseudonym: CharField to store any pseudonym. The Person class uniquely identifies a person by their name and family.
- name: CharField to store the name of the address.
- lon: DecimalField to store longitude.
- lat: DecimalField to store latitude.
- name: CharField to store the name of the place.
- description: TextField for event description.
- date: DateTimeField for the event date and time.
- place: ForeignKey to the Place entity.
- address: ForeignKey to the Address entity.
- people: ManyToManyField connecting to the Person entity.
A Person can be associated with multiple Events through a ManyToManyField. An Event has one Place and one Address associated with it via ForeignKey relationships. A Place can have multiple associated Addresses through the Events.
Constraints and Ordering
Person is constrained to have a unique combination of name and family. Event entities are ordered by their date.
Pandas DataFrame
The data is stored in a single pandas DataFrame with the objective of capturing literary events, their venues, and attendees in St. Petersburg. Unlike a relational database model, the DataFrame consolidates all the information into one table, with each row representing a unique event.
- id: Integer to uniquely identify each event.
- event_description: String to store the description of the event.
- address: String for the geographical location of the venue.
- place_name: String for the name of the place where the event is held.
- date: DateTime type for when the event is scheduled.
- latitude: Float for the latitude coordinate of the venue.
- longitude: Float for the longitude coordinate of the venue.
- persons: List of Strings to store names of people associated with the event.
In-Memory Storage: The DataFrame exists in memory; it’s not a persistent database. Flat Structure: No native support for relationships. All data points are flattened into individual fields. Flexible Schema: Easy to add or remove fields as needed. Indexing: Integer-based indexing is used for quick data retrieval.
The id field should be unique to maintain the integrity of each record.
Data Types
- id: Integer
- event_description: Object (typically String)
- address: Object (typically String)
- place_name: Object (typically String)
- date: DateTime
- latitude: Float64
- longitude: Float64
- persons: Object (typically List of Strings)
The DataFrame allows for efficient querying, filtering, and analytics, albeit without the relationship management and persistence features found in traditional databases.
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